This Blog Special I Wanted to Thank


For Allah Subhanahu Wa ta’ala for blessing me and my family much more than I deserve. And of course, Muhammad SAW peace upon for him.

For my father, who tried his very best not to be his worst.

For my mother, who made her child sure she is very best mom in the world.

For my big brother, who gained my spirit every single he suggested everything.

For my little sister, who made cherish my day beyond her school spirits.

For my sister-in-law, who understood mostly what women’s problem.

For my lovely nephew, who made me laugh how adorable he is.


For my friends everywhere, best of luck there! (Especially for Zeniar, Riska Noor, Dinda, Mentari, Lia, Citra, Halilah, Firah, Daud, M.Resna, Muhsin, Yogi, Fernando, Bernard, Adelia, Neng Novia).

For my friends in ukhuwa DKM Daarul Fikri SMAN 24 Bandung 2011 and another alumni (Especially for Asyifau, Fathiya, Annisa, Mulki, Ika, Naddia, Lia, Nunung, Novi, Meymey, Hariz, Riam, Alm.Ujang, Kang Faisal, Kang Anwar, Kang Tegar, Teh Intan, Teh Tina, Teh Kamil, Teh Silmi, Teh Licke, and etc).

For my friends in my office in Bank Mandiri Taspen back then (especially Selly, Nadia, Cikal, Lia, Icha, Risma, ect.)

For my friends in my current office in SMP Alfa Centauri Bandung (Especially Bu Ana, Bu Dewi, Bu Mamay, Pak Rangga, Pak Firman, Mr.Eggy, Ms.Novia, Bu Dwi, Bu Irene, Bu Atun, Bu Ansri, Bu Ika).

And Last but not least for some other my friends who gave me moodbooster “Let’s make a move” on this blog.


May Allah Bless you.